

Archive for tag 'second child'

Preparing for the 1 to 2 kid transition

Gulp. 4 months to go! I’m nervous about this whole “another human coming into our lives” thing. A ton of moms say it can be a difficult transition. “Oh one kid is hard? Wait until you have 2!” Here are all the warnings I’ve gathered from veteran moms of 2+ kids: Spending less time with […]


Living the Second-Time Mom Life

I remember writing a day in the life post for my personal blog, back when M was maybe two months old. It featured me frantically trying to get a shower all day long, in between running loads of laundry to the basement and tidying up the house. Thinking back on it now, with two month […]

Career Struggles, Anxiety, and Adding a Second Child

Note: This is a post about my feelings around working part time versus full time and balancing work with parenthood. This is about my personal struggle, and I hope this post doesn’t come off as insensitive to those who work full time. I know lots of moms work full time, either by choice or because […]

8 Reasons Why We Decided to Try for Baby #2

Mr. Cotton Candy and I had our Little Cotton Candy in November of 2012, and from the time I got pregnant, we knew there was a good chance we would be “one and done.” We saw a lot of benefits to having just one child. You can focus more on them and have more energy […]

Making the decision of when to have a second child | Hellobee

“So, when are you going to have another?”

Ever since Jackson was about 18 months old, Mr. Garland and I get asked on a near-weekly basis when we plan to have another child. Sometimes it’s from well-meaning friends and relatives who are genuinely curious. Other times, it’s from acquaintances and strangers who really have no business prodding into our personal decisions. No matter […]


Best Friends

Mr. Cereal and I were not trying to get pregnant with Little Bug, but we were not preventing either. We had had a few talks about how we were not going to “try” but that if something happened, we would both be happy. And lo and behold, when LeLe was 9 months old, I found […]


One – The Second Time

I remember details  – the smallest thing that caught my eye or a smell or a sound during an significant event. My brain keeps snapshots of these things in my memory, that to me are stronger then recalling the big picture. When I think back on last year at this time, I can smell the […]

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