

Archive for tag 'registry'


Preparing for Our Third

A lot of our friends and family have kids who are just getting out of the baby/toddler phase, so we look forward to getting a lot of hand-me-down baby clothes. We also still have a lot of our baby items like the swing, bottles, pack-n-play and bassinet. But, if I had to create a registry […]

What I Really Wish I Could Register For

I am less than two months away from having this baby girl! Time has gone by so quickly, and making a registry wasn’t something I was going to do. Then we had a few people ask, then some family members insist, so I started considering our options. Really, we have everything we need, and more. […]


Essentials for a Montessori Newborn

I am around 26 weeks pregnant with my third child! It’s time for us to start making some preparations at home for the new baby. We have very few things left from when my last son was born (he’s now six years old) so it’s almost like we are starting anew. I’ve made a list […]


Creating a Needs-Based Registry

Thinking about a registry can be super overwhelming. Where to register, and what to register for are big decisions. These little monsters seem to require a lot of stuff. As I mentioned previously, one of my motivating factors for staying team green was to keep our shower needs-based. While babies seem to require a lot […]


What’s On My Registry

Before starting my registry I was so intimidated. There are so many choices! How do I know what is going to work for Baby P? I scoured Hellobee blog and board posts, got some advice from friends, and managed to put together a list that I was happy with. I wanted to make sure that […]


My Dream Registry (after having 2 kids)

It’s been five years since I registered for baby things. I remember wandering around Babies R Us after Juliet’s birth and marveling how the baby gear landscape had changed in just three short years. Now armed with the knowledge that comes from having two previous babies, I thought it might be fun to create my dream registry now. […]


My Dream Registry: Baby #2

Any major life changes seem to come with checklists, charts and pro/con lists. I process things in list form; that’s really just how I cope. And when it comes to a new baby, one of the first things that popped into my mind was a list of everything we need for baby #2. By checking […]

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