

Archive for tag 'fatherhood'


Daddy Parenting versus Mommy Parenting

It is safe to say that I fell in love with Mr. Starfish all over again when he became a father over the past year. He is an amazing dad and I adore watching him interact with the girls. I always thought that he would be a great dad and it touches my heart to […]


Hoping they will be Daddy’s girls forever

A couple weeks ago, Mr. Juice went out of town for a work trip. He was only gone for three days, but you would think that it was forever for the girls. Of course, I’ll admit it’s gotten a million times easier to take care of the kids now that they are 4 and 7 […]


Things Dad does better

My toddler is currently going through a major “mama’s boy” phase. Every day when we get home from work, he shouts that I have to be the one to take him out of his carseat. He runs to me first when he gets hurt. If I leave the room, he wants to follow me and […]


“Oh, yes, that’s what my husband read!”

When we found out I was pregnant, the timing was less than ideal. We’d been living back in the states for less than six months, Mr. Milk had just started a new job and I was slated to start one in about two weeks time. We reasoned that it would be better to save a […]


What the Transition from 1 to 2 Children was like for My Husband

A few days ago, I was talking to my husband, and was surprised to discover that he thought adding a second child to the mix was “exponentially – not just double – the work” (his exact words). I was shocked to hear this because my experience was so different! Whenever people ask, I usually say […]


Letting a Father be a Daddy

Big Brother and Lil’ Brother are blessed to have a father that doesn’t just want to carry the title but instead wants to be a hands-on Daddy.  Mr. Blue wants to help take care of them, whether that means playing on the floor or waking up in the middle of the night for a feeding […]

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