We asked our bloggers — what is your little one’s current favorite toy? Our kids range from 5.5 months – 8 years old, and this is what they said!

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avatarJujube is 5.5 months and finally holding onto her Sugarbooger Sugarbooger teethers, which she’s pretty excited about.

avatar (1)Lilly and Audrey are 6 months and 5 months. They love their Baby Einstein Octoplush. With songs at the push of a button, it’s a handy distracting device when we need a few seconds to take care of the other baby. It also has different colors in each leg and recites the color when various legs are pushed; I like that you can program English or French or Spanish for saying the colors.

avatar (2)Chip, 8.5 months: Chip loves musical instruments, including but not limited to shakers, tambourines, wooden sticks, and his own hands for clapping.

avatar (3)Panda, 10 months – He loves balls of any kind. He loves to grab them, hold them, try to put them in his mouth, drop them on the ground, crawl after them, then repeat the process all over again.


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avatar (4)Little P, 13 months – Little P received this Fridge Phonics Letter Set for her birthday and has played with it daily ever sinse. She loves anything with music and buttons right now, and this has both! She’s learning how to put each letter magnet into the slot herself and press to make it play. I hear “…every letter makes a sound” many times throughout the day. I’m sure this will be the toy that teaches her the alphabet.

avatarFiona, 12 months – Books, piggy bank, anything musical

avatar (5)Baby Oats, 14 months – cars, trucks, trains! Anything with wheels, Baby Oats will drive around the floor. We have a little wooden fire truck that he LOVES.

avatar (6)Baby Pizza, 17 months, she likes anything she can push or pull on wheels…the lawnmower and the sit and scoot car. I am debating on getting her a doll stroller or shopping cart for Christmas because I know she would love either one.

avatar (7)Little Bug, 18 months. He’s been playing pretty much nonstop with a Fisher Price drum, a guitar, and a harmonica. He loves making music and noise whenever possible. He also likes using the drum and the guitar as stools…

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avatar (8) Bug, just turned 2. Bugs favorite toy right now is his shopping cart, or any shopping cart, really! He pushes it around the house and yard all day long, filling it and unloading it with random items. He loves when we go to the market that has a “baby shopping cart” so he can grocery shop as well. He has had this since before he could walk, but now at 2 he is really into it!

avatar (2)Crumb, 2 years old: Hands down his favorite toy is Thomas the Tank Engine! Percy comes in a close second. He goes to bed every night with one train in each hand and asks for them first thing in the morning as they’ve usually fallen out of his crib.

avatar (3) Lion, 2.5 years – This is a really tough call between Magna-Tiles and his Thomas the Tank Engine trains. I’m going to go with the trains, though, because they’re actually portable and he will frequently stuff his pockets with them before we leave for church on Sundays!

avatar (7)LeLe, age almost 3. She is in love with her cooking sets. She brings them into the kitchen and “cooks” with me every night.

avatar (9)  Jackson is almost three and obsessed with all things superhero. He has a couple of different Avengers action figures that he will play with constantly. He carries them around the house, talks to them, and acts out super elaborate scenes with them!

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avatar (10)M, age 3, has been really into her stuffed animals and her toy stroller more than anything, lately. She loves to dress them up and pretend she’s taking them out shopping or dropping them off at preschool. I think she’s trying out a bit of nurturing role playing, knowing that her baby brother is coming soon!

avatar Juliet, 3: dress-up clothes, doctor’s kit, dollhouse

avatar (11)Summer (3): plasma car, magna tiles, Play-doh, baby dolls

avatar (6)Lil’ Pizza, 3.5 years old, loves anything related to her kitchen – preparing food, setting up the table, “eating” with her little sister

avatar (12)Baby C, 3.5. She’s very into board games right now. Hungry Hungry Hippos is a big one in our house, as is Zingo (a variation on bingo). And puzzles. This kid loves her jigsaw and block puzzles.

avatar (5)Little Oats, age 3, really loves her doctor kit. She is super into pretend play right now, so anything that allows her to be creative is great!

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avatar (13)Little Cotton Candy, age 4. His favorite toy right now is his three-wheel scooter. He has been playing outdoors a lot in the cooler weather (and since becoming friends with the neighborhood kids), and his scooter is his favorite way to get around. The scooter was a present from his grandma on his third birthday, and he hasn’t played with it much until recently. I’m so glad we had it ready to go for him!

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avatar (16) Olive, 5 – Since the popularity of Shopkins, there has been a whole slew of mini toys on the market. Olive’s latest favorite are Num Noms which are like bigger Shopkins but scented. They are getting a lot of play with a tin tea set she was recently gifted, and she’s been into stuffed animals for a long time.

avatar (14)Lilly (5) I think Lilly is realizing that if she picks girly toys her brothers won’t come and bother her. She is into dolls, shopkins and loves her stuffed animals. She plays doctor and veterinarian quite a bit with them.

avatar (15)Lila, age 5. Lila is still into baby dolls, especially her Baby alive ones. She loves feeding them, changing their diapers, and hearing them talk in Spanish

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avatar (11)Gemma (6) – Shopkins, Lego Sets, barbies, Calico Critters

avatar Drake (6) – Magna Doodle, drawing materials, animal figurines

avatar (16) Charlie (almost 7) – Charlie has very few toys but the things that get the most play are drawing/coloring, stuffed animals, and playing in a fort made with a sheet. He isn’t into sports like most boys his age and much prefers to draw and do crafts so I want to get him a nicer marker set like this one. Lately he has been getting into Pokemon too because Mr. Bee takes the kids around town on his scooter to collect poke-balls, and he asked for a Pokemon birthday party!

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avatar (14)Nick (7) and Joe (7) I know usually I shouldn’t lump twins together, but for favorite things to play with I kind of need to. They both love playing video games. We have Kindle Fires and they also play on our computer and our Wii. If they have the choice they would play all day. When they reach their time limit and have to find something else to do, they will go outside to play. Joe is also very into Basketball like James and Nick loves to rollerblade. We get the Roller Derby brand that can expand to a few sizes so I don’t have to keep buying skates every two months.

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avatar (14)James (8) He is very into basketball and Pokemon. So he is either out in our front yard shooting hoops or reading and playing with his Pokemon Cards.

avatar (15)HJ, age 8. HJ’s really into learning magic tricks lately. She has a magic set from Melissa and Doug that she got for her birthday last summer that she still plays with all the time.

How old is your LO and what is their favorite toy right now?