

Archive for March 2013


Happy Easter!

Charlie and Olive went on an Easter egg hunt this morning, and now are napping away after all the festivities. Hope you’re able to spend a wonderful Easter with your loved ones as well! Illustration by our very own Mrs. Superhero. You can find her website here, and her Facebook page here!


Trend Report: Baseball Caps

Many of us never stopped wearing them, because really they were just a hat to hide dirty hair or play sports in (in my case not so well). But for the past couple seasons, they have been pretty trendy in everyday wear. Stealing your husband’s (or boyfriend’s) is your best bet if you don’t already […]

day in the life of a WAHM

Before I share the ins and outs of my day with you, I want to preface this post with a few things. My goal was to become a WAHM long before we started a family. I started my freelance work nearly ten years ago with the intention of turning my passion into my career.  It took […]


How to Enjoy (Survive) Bath Time With Your Little One

Bath time was one of those things that I was excited about before I even had Norah. I was excited to see her splashing around in there before she was even around to splash. But as a nurse bathed her across the room that first night in the hospital while I sat in the hospital […]


I was a visitor at my son’s birth: part two

I left off our story with leaving the hospital having not held my son, but only seeing him through a window for a few minutes. We returned the next day and received our bright green visitor badge.  Now I look back and find it very fitting. I did feel like a visitor. We were allowed […]


Cheap 5-minute toy DIYs for Baby

Here are a few little toys I’ve made for Scribble!

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One Month Update

It is hard to believe, but Isaiah is already a month old. He got this look from me.

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