Pop quiz! Guess where Wonder Baby took her morning nap? Take a point if you guessed in the Ergo. Guess where she’s napping now? Another point if you again guessed the Ergo. Last night? In bed with me (we aren’t co-sleepers). How many times did she wake up? Every 45 minutes! When did she decide was morning? Five @(#&ing thirty. We’re having a sleep regression. I’m having trouble making peace with it, but at least I always have sarcasm to sustain me.
Sleep regressions are the hellish points in a baby’s development where a combination of things disrupt their sleep for a while. Factors can include: wonder weeks (cognitive development), teething, growth spurts, physical milestones (I can pull up, but how do I get back down?), and separation anxiety. The worst sleep disruptions seem to occur at 4 and 9 months with mini regressions at 6 and 13. Severity can range from a couple nights of waking up more often, to a couple months of endless and lengthy wakings. Some parents claim that their babies don’t have sleep regressions. This is possibly true, but I can’t vouch for it. All babies are different, but most of them go through times where sleep is rough for a while, and you start to lose faith in your ability to parent.
Wonder Baby, as I’ve mentioned previously, is not a champion sleeper. She usually does better than this, however. I blame our current 9 month sleep regression on teething/growth spurt (a painful combination for me) with a dash of pulling up/time change. We just got through the 37 week developmental jump, and there is another one looming on the horizon (when I checked the chart and saw the sunshine over this week I laughed, it wasn’t a pretty laugh), so they will probably all blend together into one long sleep deprived mess. A plan of action is needed. I went through this all before with Toddler Girl (although she magically skipped the 9 month regression, sweet child) and I’ve survived the 4 month and mini 6 month regressions with Wonder Baby. I’m very nearly an expert on being horribly sleep deprived, here’s what I’ve learned:
It’s not my fault
I’ve been known to sob things like “if I was a better mother she would sleep better!” to my husband. Who gives me a hug and tries to snap me out of it. Being a better mother would not fix her teething or teach her to walk sooner or help with any of the other things she’s going through. She is sleeping badly because of what’s going on with her, not because of what I’m doing with her.
Do what works
You will not ruin your previous sleep training by helping them sleep during a regression. As long as you don’t keep a habit going past when they need it (like co-sleeping, in my case), it’s no big deal. It’s so easy to be frustrated because you just taught them to fall asleep on their own, or sleep in the crib, or whatever, and you don’t want to backslide. They will do these things again, but they need more help right now.
Focus on everyone else’s sleep
It’s easy to obsess about the baby’s sleep and forget that aren’t the only person who matters. I currently have a house with a napping toddler and husband working night shift. They both really need to sleep right now, so I’m not going to spend an hour trying to get a screaming baby to nap in her crib. She will remember how later (see above), and probably will get so wound up that she won’t nap anyway. Most of all, make sure that you get enough sleep to function. Sleep deprived moms are crappy caregivers and your family needs you! Do what it takes to catch up a bit; nap, go to bed early, cosleep. Mr SH tries to take the girls in the morning so I can sleep in as often as possible. This morning he came in off night shift and took the baby. I woke up two hours later to him making both girls breakfast and eggs coming out of the pan for me. Then he ate and went to sleep. I love that man. We’re trying to protect each other’s sleep so that we can still be half decent parents.
Try to stay positive
It’s just a phase. A hideous phase, and sadly not always a short phase, but it will pass. This is easier to remember with your second (or third, or fourth…) child. It feels like forever, but it isn’t. Try not to freak out when you wake up for the tenth time that night (just a phase, just a phase). Try not to snap at the baby (just because she’s smiling, doesn’t mean she’s doing this on purpose). Make some tea, read a book, breathe slowly (write a whiny blog post). It will pass. You can’t control it; you can only control how you deal.
After all, who can stay mad at this face?
kiwi / 542 posts
OMG what a beautiful child! I hope this phases passes quickly for you two.
GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts
Again, thank you for this. I desperately need to remember “it’s just a phase”.
pomegranate / 3383 posts
Your last line was what I was thinking the entire time I was reading your post. Girl is lucky she’s so freaking cute!!
My LO is 8.5 months and I am bracing myself for a potential sleep regression!
blogger / persimmon / 1398 posts
I couldn’t be mad at that face either! We have lots of sleep issues here as well… and I find that whining is one of my best coping mechanisms.
I hope this phase is short-lived for you!
grape / 90 posts
I subscribe to hellobee on a reader and I always click through to your posts because your kids are stunning. (And I’m a little jealous of their hair. My one-year-old has about 2% of the hair Wonder Baby has).
Also, I’m glad your husband has got your back. The line about waking up to him cooking eggs for you made me tear up, because DH has done the same for me, and it’s a total sanity saver to know your partner has your back on days like that.
Here’s hoping this phase ends soon!
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
We are in the middle of a ridiculously long regression. I have resorted to sleeping in the guest bed last night with my little girl just so we could get some sleep. To top it off, last night two of my older boys were having trouble. I was back and forth between sleeping on the floor with my three boys to the guest bed with my daughter, to the floor again but this time with my daughter, then back to the guest bed. What a night. Here’s to surviving the day!!!!
Oh yeah and we are supposed to do family pictures today!! Yikes
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
regression here too since 12 months for olive. topped off with sickness and two ear infections back to back. charlie went through a regression at this age too. is sleep the hardest part of raising kids or what?!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I hope it passes soon!
grapefruit / 4278 posts
Remembering it’s just a phase is so hard at 3am when you’re up for the 4th time and knowing you’ve only got a chance of totaling 4 hours sleep for the night before you go to work for 12 hours. Last night DH asked me if I wanted to put LO on craigslist…
honeydew / 7968 posts
i absolutely love your baby’s eyes! so so so so so beautiful!
i never “sleep trained” my kids. ack! and my girl keeps waking up because she keeps standing up and then seeing me, she starts cruising. eh~
clementine / 828 posts
This post totally hit home for me. I always blame myself when LO doesn’t sleep well. Glad to know that I’m not alone.
Hope the regression passes soon for you. Wonder Baby really is too adorable for words.
cherry / 143 posts
Thank you for posting! We are in what i’m starting to believe a mixture of 6 month regression, teething, wonder week 26, and over tired sleep issues. Just gotta keep telling myself that this will pass….
cherry / 187 posts
Ugh…I really do think lack of sleep is one of the hardest things as a parent (of a young child…no idea of the later years!). Our daughter did not seem to go through the regressions you mentioned, but she was late to some of the physical milestones so we’ve had it at 14 months instead! Lots of waking up because she’s sat up and doesn’t remember how to lay down or has pulled herself up and scared to sit back down. Ugh. I thought we were done with the multiple middle of the night wakings!
My little bubba is going thru a sleep regression right now, and we are not cosleepers, but we are considering it because of our lack of sleep. How did you know when to stop co-sleeping so it didn’t become a habit?
I love reading your blogs! I have a nine and a half month old who is currently trying to kill me. She has been a wonderful sleeper bothduring nighttime as well as naps since 6 weeks of age. For the past 6 months she has been going to bed around 10:30pm and sleeping until at least 11 am every day. However for the past few weeks she has decided to drop from 3 naps to 1, and to wake up at least 10 times a night every night. I don’t know if it is because my husband and I have finally moved her into her crib in her own room or it;s a sleep regression, or exactly what is going on but it’s very frustrating some nights when all I want is just an hour of uninterrupted sleep. It’s so nice to hear that I’m not the only Mommy going through sleep issues. I just hope it gets better soon, did I mention I’m 7 months pregnant with our next little one….
pomegranate / 3414 posts
We are going through what I’m hoping is just a mini-6 month regression. Your post gives me hope.
You have no idea how much this has helped me. I was just up last night crying because I was so exhausted and my 4 month old was not sleeping. I was doubting myself as a mother, thinking I should be doing something better. Thank you thank you thank you!
Wow I am so glad I read this because for the longest time now I thought something was wrong with my LO and was about to take her to the dr. She’s almost 10 months and it feels like she hasn’t been sleeping for a month. I also sometimes resort to co sleeping just to get sleep because its so frustrating. I’m just glad I’m not the only one its nice to know. Hopefully this time passes for me and the hubby soon because we both are always exhausted.
Just what I needed to hear right now. Going through the EXACT same thing (teething + growth spurt I presume = sleep regression). Thanks momma. Beautiful baby.
PS LOVE this font!
It’s 4:30 AM, and I am so glad I found this article. We are currently going through the 9 month “fun time.” I am literally crying tears of relief. Thanks for sharing your experience. It’s nice to hear from a mom who has been through it before.
Thank you. We hit the four month and I’m seriously doubting lately if we will both survive it!
We went through an 8 week sleep regression at 4 months old, and I thought it would kill me. It didn’t but it was ROUGH. Two weeks before I go back to work the 9 month sleep regression is hitting hard. I feel in shock, I keep saying I can’t go through it again but what choice do I really have?! This blog helped. We will make it through.