Inspired by a boards thread on the topic, we’ve pulled together a list of popular TTC, Pregnancy and Parenting Acronyms. Please let us know if there’s anything you think we should add!
Preparing to TTC part 8 of 8
1. Preparing to TTC by Checklists2. My Pre-TTC Toolkit by Mrs. Blue
3. My Preconception Toolkit by Mrs. Tricycle
4. Charting Fertility by mrs. green
5. Clear Blue Easy Fertility Monitor by Mrs. Bee
6. The Case for Not Charting or Using OPKs by Mrs. Blue
7. Starting our TTC Journey: Screening for Jewish Genetic Disorders by Mrs. Confetti
8. TTC, Pregnancy & Parenting Acronyms by Checklists
pea / 9 posts
This list awesome. I’m not to saavy with all the acronyms yet and was scratching my head at some of them while reading up on other blogs as well as this one. I told myself I would eventually google them but this is much better. Thanks so much!
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
3 line in the right column, theres a typo.
thought i would tell you.
pomegranate / 3053 posts
I’m so bad… I don’t know most of this! Good to know!
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
@blushink – thanks. got it!
honeydew / 7968 posts
i remember thinking everyone was speaking a secret language when i first came to these websites. felt a little left out.
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@Tequiero21 – I remember thinking the exact same thing! There are sooooooo many acronymns in this “world” and I didn’t know any of them! Now that I’ve had baby fever for two years now, I knew most of these on the list, though I’ll admit, there were still some I didn’t know!
honeydew / 7968 posts
@adira – haha! me too. now, i definitely feel more “conversant” and i’ll just search for pregnancy acronyms if i don’t know it or if they use terms that i’m not sure about. like rainbow baby. i finally know what that is – my 2 lil buns.
grapefruit / 4400 posts
oh jeez, these acronyms are starting to make me nervous! i thought there were a lot when i was on weddingbee… this is borderline overwhelming (but the list is definitely helpful)!
grapefruit / 4400 posts
Curious about your bloggers– will they have to write posts (or will they be edited) to include these acronyms?
coffee bean / 46 posts
I would add CBEFM for Clear Blue Easy Fertlity Monitor and ART for Assisted Reproductive Technology.
apricot / 403 posts
What is POAS?
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@msmug: POAS is Pee on a Stick.
@Mrs. Bee: Can you add FRER? I see this on the boards all the time and I’m always confused by it. I just did a search and stands for First Response Early Result.
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
I learned one from @bluestriped bee: SA = Sperm Analysis
cherry / 154 posts
Thank goodness for this list, I only wish I had found it sooner! All my acronym-Googling was making me even more confused
This list is so helpful! I am too embarrassed to even tell you how long it took me to figure out LO. Ay yi yi
apricot / 377 posts
HI there, What is POAS?
apricot / 498 posts
@ Mr. Bee could you please add IBCLC – International Board Certified Lactation Consultant?
pear / 1852 posts
I needed this today, I’ve been off the boards for so long, I’ve forgotten most of these.