With two active kids, I had a growing pile of clothes with bad, yellow, set-in stains. Either the stain went through the washer and dryer and set in, or baby clothes magically yellowed with time while they were in storage even though they didn’t have stains when you put them away. I’ve tried many different stain removers over the years, and while they did a decent job with new stains, they were no match for stains that had already set in. I had a grand plan to dye some of Charlie’s onesies a darker color so I could reuse them for Olive, but I never got around to it. My pile of stained clothes just grew larger.
Then through the magical world of Pinterest, I discovered a way to get virtually any stain out, no matter how old or set in. Kids and stained clothing go hand in hand, so I use this method every time I do the laundry, whether it’s for white or color clothes, and I’ve never had any problems with fading.
For new stains:

1) Create a paste of Oxiclean and water.
2) Apply it to the stain using a toothbrush and let it sit for 5 minutes.
3) Wash clothing in washer as usual.
4) Inspect clothing before they go into the dryer to make sure the stain has been removed.
If the above method didn’t work or if I’m trying to remove an old, set in stain, I use the following method:
1) Repeat Steps 1 and 2 above.
2) Fill a bucket with hot water and a scoop of Oxiclean and soak the stained clothing for 24 hours.
3) Wash the clothes in your washer like usual. You can add vinegar to the fabric softener compartment (or use a fabric softener ball) to be sure you remove all the Oxiclean residue. I always do an extra rinse to make sure they’re clean.
4) Inspect clothing before they go into the dryer to make sure the stain has been removed.
I’ve been able to remove virtually every stain this way. But for the truly set in stains, I break out the big guns:
1) Repeat Steps 1 and 2 above.
2) Set the clothing out in the sun.
3) Inspect the clothing and reapply the Oxiclean solution every couple of hours until the stain is completely bleached out.
. . . . .
There are several other stain-fighting formulas I’ve since come across that I’d definitely like to try. This popular method uses hydrogen peroxide, Dawn dish soap and baking soda. Dawn is great at removing grease and oil stains (which is why they use it to clean birds in oil spills!).
1) Mix 2 parts hydrogen peroxide to 1 part regular blue Dawn dish soap and baking soda.
2) Apply to the stain and let it set for up to a day. Be careful on darker colors of certain fabrics because there is a chance of bleaching.
3) Wash clothing in washer like usual.
4) Store solution in a dark bottle (peroxide loses its efficacy if exposed to light) for future use.
Another product that has rave reviews is an old school stain fighter called Biz. It can be a little hard to find in local stores but you can purchase it through Amazon. Many people use it to remove stains from delicate items like christening gowns or vintage clothing and quilts.
1) Mix hot water and one scoop Biz bleach with Dawn dish soap.
2) Soak for as long as it takes to get the stain out…. up to a week!
3) Replace the soap/water solution if you are soaking for a very long time.
What is your go-to method for getting out the toughest of stains on clothes?
blogger / clementine / 998 posts
Nice! If it’s food, as long as I wash it by hand right away, I can use any soap, even Dove. I’ll have to try these
GOLD / wonderful pomegranate / 28905 posts
I’ve been meaning to try the dawn + hydrogen peroxide. The only thing stopping me is I can’t find any comments on that site about whether it still works after prolonged storage. I know I won’t make a solution every single time I do laundry!
blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts
I have got to try this on LMW’s blankies!!! They are soooo gross!!! thanks
kiwi / 511 posts
I am a fan of Oxi clean and the sun. Crossing my fingers I can start line drying some clothes this weekend. I like it for the sun whitening properties (be sure to hang your clothes especially dark ones inside out), the smell nothing is better, and for my wallet it is cheaper than running the dryer.
Granted I won’t be able to hang all my laundry out since it will be quite cool still (mid 50s) it will take a long time to dry but the more I can shift outside the better in my opinion.
The vinegar as a fabric softener and residue remover is great. Even when I line dry my clothes I do notice that they are softer. Towels are still a bit stiff but not nearly as stiff as if I had used a regular softener or none at all. Plus they soften up very quickly, like after one use rather than before I would have to use them after my shower for 3 days before they were really soft again.
pear / 1693 posts
I keep a container of oxyclean in the bathroom to put on stains! I’ve managed to get everything out. It’s a miracle product.
honeydew / 7444 posts
I use the sun as my sure-fire way. The sun is really strong where i live and i swear it gets out every single stain better than bleach.
blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts
Thanks for this!! I have a few things I really need to get the yellowing out of. Will definitely try your method!
GOLD / wonderful coffee bean / 18478 posts
Thanks for the tips!
blogger / pomegranate / 3491 posts
I am sO terrible about remembering to do this before I have washed and dried something. Thanks for these tips!!!
kiwi / 689 posts
I’m an Oxiclean fan too. For stubborn stains on whites I’ve also had success with Blueing liquid.
We love biz. It is not bleach, but an enzyme detergent/booster. I do a hot soak with it and you can see the first etc come out and down the drain. My local grocery store has it in the laundry aisle.
blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts
Great tips! Liam’s clothes get really stained, so I’ll have to try these out!
blogger / kiwi / 675 posts
I always use shout and it works SO well. I just spray liberally and then let it soak overnight and wash as usual…. there are a few set in stains that I didn’t treat in time thought that I will try your method on!
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
Sun is like magic. I hang my clothes and poo-stained diaps and the sun makes everything disappears like magic. In two years we haven’t hand any clothes ruined by stains, knock on wood.
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
I threw out quite a few yellow-stained onesies when I boxed up Little P’s baby clothes. I’ll have to try this next time!
I swear by Biz. Clothes get soaked for a day ( or several) and then popped into the regular wash. No fearing blueberry or pasta sauce stains for me!
pomegranate / 3053 posts
I LOVE Oxy Clean. I shipped a couple of tubs out here to Asia with us and have gotten some nasty stains out (and brightened clothes in the mean time) soaking it for a couple of days. It was the only thing that removed the yellow breast milk poop with both of my boys when they were little. However, there is this ONE sleeve stain that I just can’t get out… It might be some kind of paint from school. I tried oxy clean, then alcohol, then peroxide, then bleach b/c I was out of ideas. It’s still stained… and our helper washed it and put it in the dryer even if I left it on the counter…. so that just made it worse. Right now, it’s just sitting there… it’s just a plain long sleeve white shirt from target but it’s driving me mad! Haha!
blogger / nectarine / 2600 posts
Thanks for the tips!
hostess / papaya / 10540 posts
LO has a shirt I love with a dirt stain, I need to put it through all these methods!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts
thank you for this! I need to try these ideas.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
Literally last week, I was thinking I wished someone would write a post about removing stains. Thanks for reading my mind!
I can’t wait to try these! Stains drive me nuts and we’ve got plenty of them!
So I’ve been using the oxiclean method of getting stains out of baby clothes that you suggested, and for the most part it has worked great! However, there are a few items where the blue crystals are staining the material after I do the soaking and washing and I’m not able to get that out. It mostly happens on clothes that have some white on them, but there are others that it’s happening on too. What am I doing wrong? I’m really glad I’m getting some of the stains out but now I have blue crystal stains. Any ideas on how to get that out?
I can’t thank you enough for writing about what to use to get stains out of clothing. I had some “keepsake items” which included some cute clothes of my daughters from when she was a baby…..(or at least cute in this grandma’s eyes). She is almost 30 years old now and just had her first baby, a precious little girl. She asked about the items so I dug the container out of the closet. I was shocked to see how yellowed they had turned. Some of the newborn items were from her spitting up or feeding I guess. After soaking overnight and all the next day in a tub of water and very strong oxi-clean I am very happy with the results. I can’t wait to take them to my daughter now! Thanks again!
Oh, how wonderful! Since my first daughter was born I have big problems with storing baby clothes and yellowish stains! I’m expecting my third child in December and I was thinking I’ll have to throw away all baby clothes and buy new ones. But here you come with your great cleaning tip! Thank you so much!
Is it safe to use full strength OxiClean on baby clothes and then REALLY wash it out, or do I need to use Baby OxiClean, which I don’t think is as strong?
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
@joan – I just use regular oxiclean then run it through the wash!
Omg this really works!!! I thought I was going to have to throw out two bags full of baby clothes!!!! Thanks so much for posting this!
HI everyone! I am going to be a grandmother for the first time in May, yeah!! I pulled out all the cute little items I had kept for my daughter but they were badly yellowed. I tried a few easy items with the first step listed above. It worked beautifully!!! @REGBERADAISY, these were stored for appx 23 years! Now my daughter can use items she herself had as an infant!! Thanks for the tips.
I am just getting hand me downs ready for baby #2 and I apparently blocked out how much my first spit up… They’ve yellowed after being stored for almost 3 years and I wanted to try the paste and and sun trick. I was wondering, can I do this on the colored shirts as well as the whites without creating large faded spots of color? And also, do I just leave it in the sun until dry? Thanks!
I use 1 part blue dawn dish soap with 2 part peroxide on almost all of my stains and as soon as I start to scrub with a tooth brush (or larger soft bristle brush for larger stains)
and have had no stain that it hasn’t removed I have had some stains that required doing this several times however it usual works in the end. But recently I came across an unknown strain of stains on a couple items that my kids brought me that for one reason or another was clothing of their friends that was needed for school, one was a red sweatshirt ( that looked like it was used as a grease rag and then drug behind a car after being run over )the other a pair of jeans that had some type of black ink looking stain. I tried everything and nothing was working so then as a last resort I decided to use oven cleaner ( fume free ) and out side wearing a mask and rubber gloves it took several days of scrubbing with oven cleaner and then soaking in a bucket of a mixture of water, laundry detergent and biz and everyday I would take the clothes out of the bucket and scrub and I would notice the stains getting lighter I got most of the stains out of the sweat shirt but there was still a few left over that required using some wd40 on and then scrubbing some more with dawn dish soap and then again soaking a day or two more and repeating and eventually it worked however it did tend to lighten it in a few spots but nothing to bad and in the end it was able to be worn to a school function and no-one would have ever guessed that it had been in the condition it was
I probably should have gave up (which is exactly why I couldn’t lol ) I knew that it was ruined already so there was nothing I could do that would hurt it and so I set out to find a way to remove those set in stains! Now for the dark wash jeans. I did as I stated above and was having only minor luck so I used alcohol and scrubbed and soaked and scrubbed and sprayed oven cleaner and scrubbed I could see the stains getting better so I knew I was winning I then took some mineral spirits and scrubbed then soaked and finally washed and won
I always rinsed out the clothes and changed my soaking bucket between using the different methods making sure I didn’t mix all those chemicals together. I hope this helps someone with similar issues. Now I’m off to try the oxiclean and Sun on some baby clothes I was given to get yellow stains out of and would like to thank you for your post and helping me add to my arsenal of stain removal methods.
As the “nana” I have my dad’s 100 year old christening gown. My son was christened in it and now he’d like to use it for his son’s baptism. It has those stored for a long time yellow spots around the neck. Do you think the oxi/sun method will be safe? The gown is in rather good condition considering it’s age.
admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts
@cindy i think it should be ok but i’m not an expert on 100 year old clothing! maybe try googling oxiclean use on vintage clothing as i’m pretty sure it’s been done before!
I tried the oxy clean for some used baby clothing I got as a gift and they came out white and new looking instead of yellow and stained looking. I am still working on a couple hard and set in stains but it hasn’t been 24 hours yet. Thanks for the tips!
I love my toddler in white, but I don’t want to be one of those mums that dosen’t let her get messy! I usually buy multipack babygrows which I don’t mind recycling after a few wears, but I’ve never really found a good stain removal solution for her nicer clothes. These I will have to try!