We’ve been cloth diapering baby S’ hiney since he was very wee. Before he was born I thought we’d cloth diaper him from the start, minus the first meconium poos, which I’ve heard are darn near impossible to wash out. A few roadblocks and a whole lot of free disposable diapers from the hospital prevented us from starting straight away. But by week three when baby M was finally back up to his birth weight and I was feeling better, I was ready to test the cloth waters.
I had bought a few of several brands and types of cloth diapers to start with, not really knowing what we’d like most. We diapered Mr. Bear several times to get the whole hang of how each of the diapers worked. I organized the diapers by size, stuck labels on the drawers so everyone could figure out how to use them, and off to the delivery room we went.
Within the first few weeks of cloth diapering, some clear frontrunners emerged in the race for the favorite diaper. Mr. S declared the Hive a “cover free” zone, so I quickly sold all of our newborn fitteds. This included all the Kissaluvs and Thirsties. While these were perfectly good diapers, they all needed covers, thereby adding a second step to the diapering process. I wasn’t bothered by the second step, but what I didn’t love is that because the whole fitted diaper gets wet with pee, I’d be actually holding pee when rinsing the diaper with our sprayer. That’s a weak excuse now since I rinse our inserts and squeeze them out by hand as part of my wash routine. Eeew, I know. But it lets me go a full week between laundry loads. I’ll tell you all about it sometime soon.
Our early favorites were BumGenius 4.0, Charlie Banana’s Small, Fuzzibunz XS and Thirsties Duo Dry. Baby S outgrew the Fuzzibunz XS quickly even though he’s a bit of a peanut still. When we sold those three diaps they still fit, but their inserts were small so they didn’t hold enough to last through a nap. For the remainder of my maternity leave we used BumGenius 4.0, our two Thirsties Duo Drys, Charlie Bananas and reluctantly, FuzziBunz one-size.
Now that Baby S goes off to daycare with BumGenius diapers each day, we’ve come up with a system to use various diapers at different times of day.
When we wake up in the morning I use a BumGenius. They’re the most absorbent of all the diapers we own and baby M drinks a lot after sleeping for 11 or 12 hours. He’ll eat and play for an hour and a half and then go down for an hour and a half nap in his BG’s. Then when he wakes, he’ll eat again, I’ll change him into a Charlie Banana stuffed with a BG insert, dress him for the day and whisk him off to daycare. I send him off in a Charlie Banana because we don’t own enough BG to use them exclusively, and I don’t want baby S’ daycare momma to have to hassle with snaps of the Charlies. Otherwise, the Charlie Bananas are just as reliable as our BG’s.
Baby S will use one or two diapers while he’s at daycare. When he gets home he’ll eat and then because it’s unlikely that he’ll poo before bath time, I’ll change him into a Grovia. Grovias have a reusable outer shell with a snap-in insert, but so far we’ve found the outer shell isn’t reusable after a poo. I’ve slowly started to venture into the world of flats during this last change of the day, but not with any regularity. An hour or so later we’ll start the bedtime routine with a bath after which we lather M’s bum with zinc lotion and slap a disposable on him for the night. We could probably use a cloth diaper overnight, but we don’t ever do anything to mess with his sleep, so we’ve never tried.
In addition to cloth diapering we also use cloth wipes. We started using cloth wipes a few days after we got home from the hospital. We use them for the obvious purpose, but also wash baby M’s face and hands with them each morning. I have used them for vinegar washes and baths, and I’ve heard that soaked in cold water and fresh from the fridge, they’re great for teething.
We started with a stash of 40. But within a couple weeks we were finding ourselves running out often, so now we have a stash of about 80, but 60 would be plenty to get us through the week for all the gazillion ways we use them. We have a stack in the bathroom for bath time, a stack in my office to catch dribbles and drips from nursing and pumping, and the remainder are in the nursery. We have a square, plastic container that we’ll fill with ~20 wipes and just enough water to get them all nice and wet. Just water, nothing else. Every three days I change the water in the wipes. If there are still wet wipes left, I toss them in the laundry pail and start fresh so that the heebeejeebees don’t grow. Sometimes in the morning I’ll need a bit more than water to get everything clean, and will use a spritz of California Baby Diaper Area Spray. Self explanatory name, no?
When baby S first started going to daycare I wasn’t sure if I should send his nice wipes or not; I didn’t know how many they would need, etc. So I cut up a few receiving blankets into squares using pinking shears and sent those. In hindsight, I could have just sent a little stack of our good wipes each day and have been fine.
The cloth wipes are by far the easiest eco-baby switch we made. One wipe does the work of two or three disposables. Plus, it’s pretty easy to grab from the same stack of wet wipes to wash all ends of the baby. Cheese fingers, cheese nose, cheese toes and all!
Have you tried cloth diapering? What’s your favorite brand?
Cloth Diapering part 10 of 11
1. Cloth Diapering by parenting2. On Cloth Diapering a Newborn by Mrs. Superhero
3. Easy Cloth Diapering by Mrs. Superhero
4. How to choose a cloth diapering system by Mrs. Superhero
5. Cloth Diaper Styles by Mrs. Pen
6. Cloth Diapering Diaries by Mrs. Sketchbook
7. Confessions of an (Ex) Cloth-Diapering Mom by Mrs. High Heels
8. They really are genius! by Mrs. Tea
9. Who, What, Why, and How: Cloth Diapering by mrs. tictactoe
10. On Cloth Diapering at 4 Months by Mrs. Stroller
11. Real Registry: Diana's Cloth Diaper Registry by Real Registries
Cloth Diapers part 10 of 17
1. Cloth Diapering by parenting2. Washing Cloth Diapers by parenting
3. Cloth Diaper Update and Potty Pail Review by parenting
4. How to choose a cloth diapering system by Mrs. Superhero
5. Real Registry: Diana's Cloth Diaper Registry by Real Registries
6. On Cloth Diapering a Newborn by Mrs. Superhero
7. Cloth Diapering Update by Mrs. Hopscotch
8. Easy Cloth Diapering by Mrs. Superhero
9. Who, What, Why, and How: Cloth Diapering by mrs. tictactoe
10. On Cloth Diapering at 4 Months by Mrs. Stroller
11. Building a Cloth Diaper Stockpile by Mrs. Hopscotch
12. Confessions of an (Ex) Cloth-Diapering Mom by Mrs. High Heels
13. Cloth Diapering Diaries by Mrs. Sketchbook
14. They really are genius! by Mrs. Tea
15. Wool, the Other Sleep Sheep (and Adventures in Early Toileting) by Mrs. Twine
16. Adventures in Cloth Diapering by Mrs. Lion
17. Cloth Diapering: We're back! by Mrs. Deer
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
Cloth diapering scared me…. not for the actual logistics of it, but all that laundry?! I can’t even keep up with “non-diaper” laundry imagine with cloth? ha!
I love how you organized everything! Gotta love the p-touch.
Where did you get the dividers? Ikea
cantaloupe / 6730 posts
So the cloth wipes are kept moist at all times? Is there a concern at all that bacteria will grow?
clementine / 889 posts
I’ve been cloth diapering DS since he was about 3 weeks old, and we are going strong now at 13 months. There were two stretches where we went to disposables after rounds of antibiotics to treat ear infections, and we use disposables at night.
We’ve been through sunbaby, kawaii, bum genius 4.0, smartipants, fuzziunz, flips, and we tried a thirsties cover for night time at one point. The bum genius diapers are my clear favorite. I’ve bought and sold many diapers, mostly used through diaperswappers, and now we have Flips and Bum Genius 4.0. When we have our next child, it will be Bum Genius 4.0 all the way. They are just so well made and easy to use, with a really good fit on my son from 3 weeks all the way to 13 months.
I don’t know why, but I’ve never really been bothered by pee or poop. I certainly don’t try to touch it, but the cloth diapers contain blowouts so much better, washing them has me touching less poop than if DS was in disposables, especially during the first 6 months.
clementine / 889 posts
@Grace: some people put a few drops of tea tree oil in with the wipe solution, to prevent any “growth”.
We use cloth wipes as well, and I go through about 30 in 7ish days. Our mixture is just a dash of baby soap and a dash of baby oil. I put those in a big mixing bowl and fill 2/3 with hot water. I dunk the wipes, then wring and fold them. We’ve never had an issue with them with our solution. I put them in a disposable wipe container and they seem to last well. They still smell fresh when I get to the last one in the box.
pomegranate / 3008 posts
We’ve been cloth diapering since day 3 after the meconium had passed as well. For the first 6 weeks my wore kissaluvs fitteds with thristies covers. Once his umbilical cord detached we switched to one size pocket diapers during the daytime: Fuzzibunz One Size and Bum Genius 4.0s. I’ve since added in Applecheeks and Itti Bitti d’Lish SIO. The Applecheeks and Itti Bitti are my favorite but in the beginning I refused to try sized diapers so I don’t have as many of my favorites in our CD stash. FB took some work to get the fit right (the one size didn’t start fitting without leaks until my son was over 10 lbs) but I actually prefer them over BG because my son has skinny thighs and the FB gives a more custom fit. At night we have found Tots Bots Bamzoole fitteds and Thristies Fab Fitteds (with the hemp doubler) to work great with a Blueberry cover. My husband agrees that if we had it to do over, we’d probably just do fitteds and covers full time. The extra step of putting on a cover isn’t a big deal or time-stealer for us. Our son’s daycare has embraced his cloth diapers too. The only thing I don’t do is send cloth wipes to daycare. For our cloth wipes we prep 6 at a time in a travel wipes case (also just wetted with water) so there is no fear of bacteria growth by them sitting too long.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@Grace – the company who makes my wipes (Cheeky Wipes from the UK) say to put any unused wipes in the laundry pail after three days and to start fresh to prevent bacteria growth. Yes, some people put tea tree oil in them, but we tried that and tried a drop of lavender oil and both irritated baby Stroller’s bum.
@MrsTilly – We wash our wipes in the with diapers and you definitely don’t want any kind of baby oil or cream, lotion, etc. in the wash with the diapers. Over time it will build up on the diapers and cause repelling!
hostess / wonderful persimmon / 25556 posts
Wow. I’m overwhelmed by your organizational skills by just reading your blog post. I decided against cloth diapers pretty early because a. I’m lazy and b. I’m lazy. Haha. You seriously have a system down though and it looks like it really works for you! I’m always impressed by Moms that can keep all of that organized. Very informative post for those who do plan on cloth diapering!
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
Hahaha ditto @mediagirl:
I actually considered cloth diapering before I had my LO, but disposables are so much more convenient.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
You are soooooooooo organized. We should upload a pic of our messy drawers!
So far, we like BG Elemental AIOS, Fuzzi Bunz Perfect Size, Thirsties AIOs and cloth wipes from a seller on Etsy. We use Thirsties Fitted with covers at night…sometimes with an extra insert.
We are not a fan of Ones & Twos AIOs, Grovia Hybrid (we like the disposable pads but the cotton ones don’t work well for us) and BG Freetimes!
wonderful pear / 26210 posts
I don’t do fancy wipes, just a soft baby washcloth with water. It’s worked great for all kinds of situations and is one less thing to deal with.
grapefruit / 4120 posts
We use gDiapers, and also cloth wipes (just a bunch of evenflo baby rags we bought). But we don’t keep them wet… I just grab one (or more) and stick it under the faucet before a diaper change. And I know this makes NO sense but I would never use them on his face or hands. I know they’re washed clean but I just see them as wipes I guess…
I am impressed by your filing system! WOW. My husband only wishes I were that organized!
apricot / 464 posts
Love your organization! Our favorites by far are the BG 4.0s. We use cloth wipes too but I like to store them dry and use a big spray bottle instead of keeping the wipes wet.
GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts
@mediagirl: hahah ditto!!!
grape / 90 posts
I’m not organized enough to figure out more than one system, so we just went with the BumGenius 4.0, and at 6.5 months they’re still working for us. I love that we can double-stuff them for long naps and triple stuff them for night time: it gives PB an adorably big diaper butt when he’s in his jammies.
We keep our wipes dry, as well, and just keep a spray bottle on the changing table. (I’m pretty sure I learned this from OhApostrophe!) And I just made ours out of remnant flannel we found for cheap at the fabric store. My mom kindly serged the edges of them all so they don’t get frayed… I think we have about 45, and that’s been enough to get us through rounds of laundry.
Your labeled drawers and super neat changing area are quite impressive!
GOLD / squash / 13576 posts
I originally was going to use cloth diapers but have since changed my mind and we are going with disposables. Our main reason was that our son will be in daycare. Does the daycare have any issues with using the cloth diapers? It seems like all the daycares we visitied encouraged us to use disposable diapers.
honeydew / 7917 posts
Love your organization! We have been using bumGenius Elemental AIO for the past year, and they have held up great. I didn’t bother trying different diapers and only purchased 12 to begin with just in case cloth diapering didn’t work out for us. I love them and bought 6 more.
blogger / pineapple / 12381 posts
We’re exclusively Bum Genius too. We have 3.0s and 4.0s and like them both.
pea / 15 posts
add me to the list of people impressed by your organization!
We do a combination of Charlie Bananas and Gro-Vias. The Gro-vias are my favorite though, as we’ve be able to reuse the covers multiple times (much easier after solids when poop is smaller too because covers don’t get as dirty). Plus they seem to take up much less room in the diaper bag so we can use them when we’re out of the house as well. They are also the diapers that we use at daycare (because we have the velcro closures on these ones!)
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Wow, I love the labels on the dresser. Need to remember to do this because I know the DH will get confused with which diapers need a cover.
clementine / 958 posts
Interested to hear how you go a whole week without washing!
We mostly use bum genius 4.0s and perfect size fuzzibunz, both of which have been great. We also have a few swaddlebees simplex and itti bitty d’lish SIOs, which are awesome too.
@autumnlove: Aren’t ones & twos a huge disappointment? I really wanted to love them, but the one we have leaks like crazy.
hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts
@owlmom: I hate them!!! The leg areas are tight and I hate the place in pad and the leaks!
clementine / 889 posts
@krsmall: We interviewed a daycare center and a bunch of different in-home daycares. Most were at least willing to consider cloth diapers. Where I am, you have to take home your diapers each day, whether they are cloth or disposable. I’ve heard some places use the concern that it isn’t sanitary to have the dirty cloth diapers sitting there all day. But a wetbag keeps in the smell and contains everything. We use disposable wipes at daycare, and they just put them in our wetbag with the diapers.
Pockets and all-in-ones go on just like a disposable diaper, so they really aren’t any extra work. Most daycares would at least consider them, and all, when they saw how easy they are, were willing to use them. Can you get one to show the daycare(s) how easy they are to use and see if they will use them?
Also, we have 11 pocket diapers and 7 Flip covers with about 16 inserts, and we only do laundry every 4-5 days. It’s not that much extra.
I’m planning on cloth diapering and eat posts like this up for all the awesome information!
A question out there to all the CD-ing mommas: what is the best kind of insert for when you want to double stuff? Any brand preferences? I know you get an insert with many of the pocket brands but I haven’t really heard anything about what is the best route to go for additional inserts.
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@Laura – You probably won’t need to double stuff for a while. At nearly 5 months a double stuff is too much for baby S and will just cause leaks out the side. That being said, I’m part of a few CD forums where other mommas have done absorbency tests. Apparently microfiber holds the most, but cotton and hemp absorb the fastest. So you may want to try doubling with cotton or hemp on top of microfiber, when the time comes. Just make sure that you prep cotton and hemp many, many times alone before putting them in a wash with microfiber or pocket covers. They have natural oils that will stick to the microfiber and cause repelling, if they’re not prepped enough.
My preference for inserts is the BG one size. I use cotton prefolds a lot too.
clementine / 958 posts
@Laura: when baby was around 6 months old, we started double stuffing our pockets when we use them for overnight. We use BabyKicks Hemparoo Joey Bunz, which are hemp inserts, with the bum genius or fuzzibunz microfiber inserts. They work really well. I also occasionally use just the hemp insert if I need the diaper to be a little less fluffy so that baby can fit into an outfit she has almost outgrown. Hemp inserts are pretty thin for how absorbent they are.
GOLD / pear / 1845 posts
We have all applecheeks and love them! I decided to just pick a brand and commit to it, just felt simpler to me.
honeydew / 7235 posts
wow – your set up is so impressive!!! I’m totally inspired.
can i ask a total of subject question? I love the elephant print! where did you get it?!
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@hellobeeboston: Thank you! The elephant fabric is from fabricworm.com. They have all sorts of cute Japanese import fabrics.
kiwi / 575 posts
Great blog post. Thank you!
I plan to cloth diaper and am excited for our little one to arrive in early August. I’m building a stash of Rumparooz Lil Joeys for newborns and Grovia. I am thinking of a set of flats and covers to supplement when needed.
I also want to use cloth wipes but haven’t even ventured into buying those yet. Any suggestions on brands? I don’t have a sewing machine so making my own is out of the question – unless I can just use scissors
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
@ALittleP: The cheapest wipe option is to use pinking shears (the scissors that cut zigzags) to cut flannel receiving blankets into squares. There are several sellers on etsy who sell cloth wipes too.
If I could do it over again, I would have only bought a few of each brand of diaper. I definitely didn’t like what I thought I would the most!
GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts
Wow you’re so organized! I just throw my diapers in a basket. All we have are BG, AIO, OS. I love them!
pomegranate / 3388 posts
We’ve been cloth diapering since she was a few days old, and we’ve been using the one-size diapers since 3 weeks. We started w/ Fuzibunz 1-size b/c they can be sized down to fit smaller babies that the BG diapers. Now that she fits into BumGenius, we use those too. I’m curious why you don’t like the Fuzzibunz 1-size diapers. I found them difficult at the beginning, but now that we figured out her size I like them a lot… although the elastics are kind of fussy. I love that the BG diapers are super absorbent.
Love how organized the diaper drawers are! What did you use as dividers?
Very interesting post about cloth diapering, a concept I have been considering. Completely unrelated, however, is do you know where you got the dresser featured in the photos? I have been looking everywhere for something similar but with no luck. I love the long 2-drawer look with the changing pad on top. Any hints would be appreciated. Thanks!
blogger / nectarine / 2010 posts
Shannon: it’s the Hemnes dresser from Ikea. We have four of them in different sizes. Can’t beat the size of the drawers or the price!
Awesome! Thank you so much